Organized by V.Perchet, J. Combes, &F.Sentenac This conference is co-organized by Ocean, with the aim of gathering researchers from the fields of mathematics, computer science and economics sharing common interests in the study of matching...
Organized by Eric Brousseau Using rigorous scientific methods, Institutional and Organizational Economics (IOE) focuses on the analysis of the economic impacts and on the evolutions of co-ordination frameworks: institutions, organizations and contracts....
Organized by Mathias Albert This workshop aims to bring together the communities of strongly correlated quantum gases, quantum fluids of light, and quantum optics to foster the exchange of ideas and collaborations. While ultracold gases have provided...
Organized by A. Taddei The first goal of the “Physics Meets Genomes” Summer School is to train a new generation of researchers at this important intersection of disciplines to advance the study of nuclear processes. Our second goal is to...
Organized by M. Aprili, M. Juan, C. Proust, L. Taillefer This international summer school is open to all young researchers – PhD students and postdocs – in condensed matter physics with the aim to introduce modern concepts and methods used...
Organized by V. Garcia, S. Fusil, JY. Chauleau,B. Dkhil, S. Matzen, M. Trassin, M. Guennou & K. Bouzehouane Initiated by the progress in thin film growth since the discovery of high Tc superconductors, the field of Oxide Electronics took off at...
Organized by R.T. D'Agnolo, C. Grojean, J. Orloff & G. Servant Among the major scientific breakthroughs of recent years, the discovery of the Higgs boson and the detection of gravitational waves are spectacular successes crowning decades of...
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